requesting all to #saveWater for future-generations, lets make it more easytoday, was waiting thirsty at adyar-depot-bus-stand, with poster “water for 10-rupee” behind, but no water is found nearby for that price…Jun 22, 2019Jun 22, 2019
MPs( members of parliaments) have responsiblity to serve larger idea in universe too, not just…MPs( members of parliaments) have responsiblity to serve larger idea in universe too, not just their electorate( own-chair) - yesterday…Jun 19, 2019Jun 19, 2019
value of one-second in mother-nature’s-service is infinite/unlimited/endless; No-money in earth…Jun 1, 2019Jun 1, 2019
PeopleINT enters 10th-year as not-for-profit, but for service, with your support, A BIG THANK YOU…Timeline of PeopleINT — People’s initiatives to serve greater-good( GG), - 2010may30 — PeopleINT idea born, Originally it was…May 29, 2019May 29, 2019
Thoughts on #TheGreatIndianDemocraticRepublic’s 2019-parliamentary-election-result-day !!Thoughts on #TheGreatIndianDemocraticRepublic’s 2019-parliamentary-election-result-day !!May 23, 2019May 23, 2019
If govt won’t do #GoodGovernance for world, then lets do it ourself, thats GG, thats #worldPeaceIf govt won’t do #GoodGovernance for world, then lets do it ourself, thats GG, thats #worldPeace ! - “Doesn’t govt want to launch english…May 18, 2019May 18, 2019
#ThankYou family-members, Zillions of lives is higher-value than billions of money !!May 16, 2019May 16, 2019